Hello all--
It has certainly been awhile. At this moment I am sitting in my bathrobe reading about UNIX shells and perusing the discussion forums for my online classes.
School. It's happening.
I am pretty stoked about this term, Intro to UNIX and Intro to C++, but am a little intimidated by my schedule... I do however, very much want to rock it, so I will be busting USDA Prime Select ass to do well this term.
Before I get too far, an update would be apropos:
Since I have come back to the States and gotten married, more than a year has passed. I went through some hardships finding suitable work, but in October of last year I began working as a software developer for medium size company in downtown pdx. Score!
Since then my life has been pretty much programming, and recovering from programming. I of course am still surfing (when I can get it), and training in kung fu (which has now been virtually squeezed out by work and school), and have even taken up amateur astronomy-- but now my life is pretty scheduled.
Anyhow, now that I have a great job, it's the perfect time to go back to school. I am lucky enough to have a job that will subsidize my education, so I am setting out to finally finish my long overdue physics degree, and am also tacking on the computer science for good measure.
I am starting to feel like a real programmer. :)
More posts to follow.